Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Blog Response to Kite Runner

I agree with Ale’ah and Adralyn n When I first began this book I did not like it at all. While reading this book I got really into it and did not want to read it or annotate it. I thought it was very boring but, it's actually really interesting.

The book is actually good, then i thought it was going to be. What Ale’ah said about: the rap part got more more interested and wonder why Amir did not do anything or help some one who sees him as a brother and always help him.

in class we were having a debate about weather or not it was right for Amir to watch Hassan get raped. Alot of people said what was this little kid going to do against these big oh fifteen year old. But I was saying so what, he should have still saved his best friend. Now in this second section we've found out that Hassan and Amir are really bothers. HOW CRAZY RIGHT. Who would have thought. That's what made me even more angrier than before, the fact that Hassan and Amir were brothers and Amir sat and watched. That's just straight wrong in my opinion how could a real friend do such a thing.

What Ale’ah said about this part in her blog post is not right. Amir did not saved Hassan, because he sees him as a servant a no body, he only play with him just to tease him and laugh at someone who don’t know things that he knows. Amir only read to Hassan, so that Hassan can ask him what a word mean, so he can laugh at him.

Amir himself said that, Hassan can’t not be his friend, because they are from different tribes that don’t like each other, he is rich and Hassan is poor. But after the rape Amir felt sorry, embarrass, and disappointed in his self, that he no longer can play with Hassan or even talk to him. He could not stand the shame anymore he had to lie on his name so that all the guilt in side of him can go away.

Even after every think Amir did, Hassan still pick him up and agree that he was the one who stole the money and watch when he had no idea how it got in his father house. Hassan left, because he knew that Amir would never talk or play with him anymore. So far this book is good.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Kite Runner

The Kite Runner is about friendship, betrayal, and the price of loyalty.

Hassan and Amir grew up together, lived in the same house, were fed

from the same breast, and shared many other similarities. Yet, there

are differences between them, and those differences created who they

are. Amir and Hassan grew up in two different worlds: Amir is the son

of a wealthy man, while Hassan is the servant of Amir’s father, and he

is a Hazara. Which at that time, a Hazara wasn’t worth to played with,nor talked to.

I agree with Ashli that the Kite Runner is about friendship, betrayal, and the price of loyalty. This book is mostly about friendship and everything that has to do with it. In the book Amir is not that loyalty to Hassan as Hasssan is to him.

The part of the book that talks really about their friendship, was the part Hassan got raped, because Amire did not take Hassan as his own brother even though they hang out a lot and are always with each other Amire once said that Hassan can’t never be his brother, because he is a Hazara.

Amire was very jealous of Hassan, he thing his father love Hassan more than him. Whenever he do something good his dad don’t see it. He felt like he was sharing his dad with Hassan and he don’t want that.He wanted his father to his self only.

Ashli said that he was selfish, and i think in a way its kind of truth. He did not do anything to help his friend out when he was getting raped. He just stood there and watch. In my opinion if Amire was going to step in Hassan was never going to get raped, because the other kids know his father is rich and they will not want to hit a rich men.

The part of this book that really touch me was when Amire flam Hassan up. After the rap part Amire could not stand benign in the same place as Hassan, he stay away from him and don’t talk to him But he still felt guilty for not helping him out. So after his birth day he took all his money and new watch that he got an hide it in Hassan and his father house saying hassan stole it so ht his father could throw them out.