Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Lennie vs his society

Beatrice Zulu
English period 2
10.19.10 Of mice and Men Essay

In Of mice and men, there are two important characters George and Lennie , they are two men who are in California during the great depression, when most people were very poor and need to go on field to work in order to get money. Even though both men know each other very well and been to gather, they still has lots of differences. George is the small and skinny, he is also the smart one. George is like a big brother to Lennie, because he always tried to tell him what is right and wrong, he help him every time he gets in trouble. George is a good friend anyone can ask for, he sometimes sacrifice his job and ran away with Lennie when he do something wrong. He is also the one who do the speaking when they are getting jobs and he even answer some of Lennie question when he has one he can’t answer. Lennie is the huge and tall one, but he is mentally disabled and he’s a trouble maker.His brain is slow, so he always do bad things and don’t realized what he has done, till someone tell him and then his brain get caught up. These two character were faced with many conflict in this story. They had a job first in this place called Weed, but they had to ran away, because Lennie made a big trouble there, and he can go alone on his own, so he had to go with George.

The central conflict of Of mice and men, is character vs society, because Lennie is face with all the characters in the book. He got in a fight with most of them or don’t get along with most of them.Lennie always end up in a mess and even George who knows him all his life can’t still get along with him. In this story Lennie is vs his whole society.The main reason Lennie is vs all these character is because either they don’t understand him, or he also misunderstand them. Lennie is mentally disable, so lots of people decides to pick on him, or he do something wrong to them without knowing that it’s wrong. I pick two quote from the story that will support my central conflict of the story.

“I got you, you can’t keep a job and you lose me ever job i got. just keep me showing all over the country all the time. and that ain’t the worse. You get in trouble. You do bad things and i got to get you out. You crazy son-of-a-bitch. You keep me in hot water all the time”.

I chose this quote, because that was when George got really mad at Lennie and he could not take anymore of him getting in trouble. This was when they first got came from Weed and Lennie kept playing with with a dead mice. George love Lennie, but Lennie is always getting his self in trouble with something else.The reason why they had to leave Weed, was because Lennie wanted to touch a girl red dress, because he thought it was nice and he wanted to feel it.While he was touching the dress the girl got scary and started screaming, so now George and Lennie had to ran and find another job.

“You stop it now, you'll mess it all up, you let go”

I chose this quote, because this is the mean conflict of the story. Lennie was always playing with fury things and like touching soft things, so when curly wife said he could play with her hair he was happy to do it. Then he started pulling her hair. When she started screaming, he got angry,because he don’t want George to hear her screaming and get mad at him, saying that he can’t play with the rabbit anymore, so he close her mouth and pulled her hair hared. Lennie was a huge guy so his hand also covered her nose making hard for her to breath, so she die. George try to save Lennie, but he know that Lennie will never stay out of trouble so the best thing was for him to go to a place where he will be happy and don’t make anymore trouble, so George killed Lennie.

In conclusion, as i said before this story is central conflict is character vs society, because Lennie is vs George, Carly's wife, Carly, and even the bus drive that took them out of Weed. Lennie was always against his society from the beginning to the end.

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