Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Book Review

Question 8

(8) Pick a character that interested you and write about them in depth. You can also analyze a relationship between two different characters.

the character that interested me the most is Latoya Blake. She is the best of all, even though she’s not marry or very rich, she still stand up for herself. She is an independent woman and she show that she can take care of herself and don’t need any man to control her.

She always gave her friends advice, but they don’t listen to her and just think she is hating, but she only be telling them the truth. She is never scared to speak her mind and what she think about her friends relation -ships with their husband and boyfriends.

She make sure she don’t fall over head with any man. She don’t have any children. She is a very strong women, because she was the only girl child in her family and she had to fight to get respect from her brothers. Her friends don’t understand her and don’t get her point of view.

Even though Toya as she is called in the book is tough and independent she still has problem in her life. She can’t keep a long relationship, and she really don’t trust men. She like to control the men in her life and that they should listen to her. She is not the richest among all her friends. Her best friend Camille is very rich and famous, she once lived a very good life.

Than she got marry to Frankie Bingham, the most rich and handsome black men, he’s in a gang group and sells drugs to make a living. they live in a big house and that is a house every woman will dream about. Even though she live a very rich life, she is still not happy.

Her men don’t pay that much attention to her any more. And all she do is sat at home and babysat her sister son. He is also cheating on her with his supposed to be best friend and
Toya tries to warned her, but she don’t want to listen to her. That is why Toya interested me the most.


  1. When i read beatrice review ifound out that her book has a lot of drama. one of them is arried to frankie and frankie is cheating on his wife but his wife loves him so much that she not doing nonthing about it.

  2. When I read Beatrice's rough draft of her book review, I felt like she has a very good understanding and understanding about her book. I felt that her interpretation was interesting simply because of the response she has said about the character(s) she has chosen.

  3. After reading Beatrice's book review, I feel that she understands the character that she is talking about really well. Seems like she notice every piece of event that her character does. It seems like Beatrice really like her book because she can summarize the book in full details. She really picked the right character to talk about because it seems like the character's life is full of interesting events. After reading this book review, it seems like i am also interested in reading this book. Her descriptions about that character had embraced a power that makes me want to read it.
