Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Color Purple Book Reflection

Color Purple Essay

In the book, “ The color Purple”, the two main characters are Celie and Nettie, both of them are sisters, but they share many differences. Celie is a very patience person, but she can’t stand up for herself when men beats her up. She thinks men have all the powers and that women are supposed to do whatever men asked them.
She is afraid of men and she always on her good behavior. She is a wife and she takes care of other people’s kids but they don’t respect her or even take her as their step-mom. She got pregnant twice by her father. She marry a men who doesn't even love her and wants her sister. Mr_________, beats Celie all the time and she don’t stand up for herself.
Celie is alone in Mr________, house so the only person she can talk to is God, that's why she writes to him all the time and tell him all hers secrets believing he’s the only one who still care for her and she can trust also the only man who won't beat her up, cuss her, or rape her. Celie is a hard working woman, she could also knit very good. Celie has children, and she once believed that they were dead, until one day she went to the store and she her daughter with her new mom.
Celie once told Shaq that she can’t get angry anymore, because when she got angry at her mom her mom got sick and died. Celie is always helping man shave in the book most of the time. Celie did not finish school she had to draped out. Celie did not travel, she didn't have the advantage to travel around the world.
Nettie on the other hand is very brave, and stands up for herself. She know what she want in life. Nettie never let any men take advantage of her. She always fight for what she believes. She is always helping people out that need help, she is very smart and willing to learned. Nettie is known as the pretty one amongst she and her sister.
She is a teacher and she went all over the world to teach different cultures of people and also learned about their ways of life. Nettie believes everyone should be equal, no matter what sex, or color you are. For example when she was in Africa and the tribe believes girls are not supposed to go to school, she was not satisfies with that.
When Mr________, try to raped her she kick him in his private part and ran away he got so mad and said she has to leave, but that did not stop her, she still fight for her rights. When her father try to sleep with her she also left and went somewhere else. She never got raped in her life, she is marry to a men who love her and never touch her or even thing of hitting her. She believe in God, not because he’s the only one that could she can depend on, but because she believes in him and she want to teach his wonder to everyone all over the world, She is a missionary in Africa, and the men she is marry to is the man that adapted her sisters children and now shes the one looking after them.
Even though Nettie and Celie has alot of differences they have some simulator too.They both were herize by mans and their mom died and left them alone. They love each other very much and no matter what they are always there for each other and will never forget each other. They got each other back, when Celie draped out of school, Nettie was teaching her at home, and help her learn everything she was missing at school.When the step-dad was starting to look at Nettie Celie said she was going to try her best and make sure he don’t even touch her. Even when they were fare away they still write letters to each other.

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