Saturday, March 19, 2011

“My Life”

Beatrice Zulu
period 2
March 14 2011

“My Life”

The Game feature Lil Wayne

Table of Content
1) Krahn
2)Coming of my Romeo
3)Nappy hair, Soft hair, Long hair, Short hair
4)Sometimes you got to let go
5)African princess
6) L.I.B Family


When you take a cat and put it in a group of dogs, it won’t belong. My culture my language the one I can’t speak. I try all my best to understand some. Sometimes I want to speak it with my people, but I can’t. All my big brothers and sisters could speak it, everyone is proud of them. Me, nope I’m a big disgrace to my culture, but I don’t know how I lost it.

I used to speak and understand it fluently. Losing my language is like losing part of my family. When my sister and I are in a crowd of Krahn speakers, we feel like outsiders, birds that can’t find their nest anymore. Talking to my grandparent is like making a fish and a lion talk to each other.

Coming of my Romeo
I’m waiting for my prince to bring my glass shoes. Laying my head on the clouds every night dreaming of him. When I first saw him my heart was racing like a horse in a race. I did not want any other girl to take him.

I was like a mother chicken protecting her chicks from the hawks. The day he told me, how he felt. I was happy as flowers are when they get rain. When I really got to know him. I find out he was sweet as honey.

Nappy Hair, Soft hair, Long hair, Short hair
In my family we have different type of hair. My grand mom has the prettiest hair, hers is long and soft.Her hair is like that, because she is light skeined. Next my dad hair is nice but he is just like my grandfather and don’t like hair. So one day he decide to go bold ad cut his hair. My Little sisters hair is as long as my grand-mom, but instead of it been soft its as nappy as a old man Afro.

When someone is combs it,she will cry and cry till the person will give up and quit.My other sister hair is not that long, but its also not that soft, but when you flat iron it , it will be all soft and black and pretty. My hair is long and very soft, but it not full, my hair is also not black, which i don’t understand, because all of my family have black hair. All my brothers hair are good too.Even though our hairs are different we still love each other.

Some Times You Got To Let Go
There are some things you got to let go in life.Some people that you love so much, but you know are not doing the right thing.Friends sometimes do the wrong things, and just because they are your friends doesn't mean they are always right.

I had a very special friend in my life, and i never wanted to let him go.He knows all my secrets and i knows all his.But he was leading me to the wrong path.I thought all the things he did was cool.He was know as popular and sexy. I felt so beautiful, when girls will start hating on me,because they thought we were dating.One day we got in a big argument and it was the first time a boy ever insult me or even put their hands on me.

I was shock, and could not believe it, but i also notice he was not to his self.He was high, and that same day we got our report card and he had all F and he tear it right in front of the teacher face and said he don't gave a f***.When i got home i called him and started talking to him, and he told me that he’s not going to change for any girl.All my friends ad family told me to stop hanging with such a person. But it was hard for me, he was my first love, and best friend. The day i said goodbye was hard for me, but as time when by, I'm happy i did.

African Princess
When I first came to America, people started making fun of me, because i was African.They called my siblings and I all stuff of names.I never really care, because i know I’m proud to be African.People started making fun of my skin color, but i did not listen to them
because i know I'm beautiful.

People aways laugh at my accent, but i was not tripping. Because I know they all which they can speak and understand more than one language. And because i do, they are jealous and hating.No matter what they say deep inside i know I'm a African princess and no one can change that.

L.I.B Family
We got each other back, we are always there for each other.We can jokes around with each other gets in fight, but then no one else can do those things to us.I love when we are together, they are the coolest people to be around with.When I'm around them, i can be myself and act very normal.They been knowing me since i was 9 years old.

They know when I’m lien, when I'm scared, when i sad, they can even tell when I like someone with out me telling them.When we are together, we can dance and sing.We tell each other everything.Before we even go out with a boy they have to studies them.When we are together we are so loud, especially on the bus.We have to shopping together. one thing i know for sure, is that no matter where we go or what we do in life, they will always be my family.

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