Friday, September 17, 2010

Comming from a different country

Coming from a new country it not easy, First of all they are both very different in so many ways. I remember when my dad first told me that we were coming to the U.S. I was happy, but sad at the same time. I didn’t want to leave my family and friends. When I got in the U.S at first everything was different. When I was in Africa I thought the U.S was going to be different, but it was the same as Africa.
The only things that were different were how the kids treat you. When I start school same kids were nice but must of them were mean. They used to laugh at me and threaten me. They used to call me lots of mean names and when I tell the teacher all they do is talk to them, but they still do the same thing. One night I cry and said I wish Africa was just like America that the teachers could beat the kids to discipline them. When I really want to get the lesson than they start talking and I get really mad.
The most annoying parts are when it’s my turned to read my paper or present my projects they don’t respect me. Every time I tell them to be quit they get mad at me. Then when I got in the 6th grade I got really fed up with them and started getting in fights. Than the teachers always get on me very hard, because they know how I act, so I tried my best to stay away from them. I just feel like its not fare how they treat you and they also believe everything they see on T.V. They think Africa is full of animals and jungle which make me really mad. Because in my opinion Africa is much pretty and civilize.

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