Monday, September 13, 2010


First of all abortion is wrong because it murder. killing an human been is illegal in the united states. If a woman get pregnant then then the first thing that comes to her mind is abortion she should never be allow to get pregnant again.

Ways women can stop being pregnant is getting on the pills or just don't have sex at all. If a women get pregnant and she said she’s not prepared to have a baby there is something call adaption, she can give her baby to someone who will be willing to take care of the baby and someone who really need the baby.

The pro might say well is her choice if she don't want the baby. If that was you who were in the women stomach would you like her to take you out and don't even care about you just kill you because all she is thinking about is herself?Why Abortions Should Be Illegal” It's wrong for a physician who has taken an oath to preserve life, can actually kill a defenseless unborn child. Literally ripped out many times in pieces from their mother’s womb.

That is why I will give you nine reasons why abortions should be illegal. How can society sink so low? How can any stretch of human thinking come to the conclusion that “ Thou shalt not kill” does not include the killing of an unborn child? Life and death decisions should be in the hands of God our creator and not at the whim of the baby’s mother. So when you say a woman should have the choice to kill her unborn child, then in reality, you are believing in the taking of a human life.

To allow An defenseless unborn baby to be torn apart and killed has got to be one of the most diabolic and repugnant acts ever done, by any person who has walked the face of the earth. Since abortions were legalized, there has been a sharp rise in premature births in subsequent pregnancies due to damage done to the cervix and the uterine endomorphism during an abortion.

This will lead to low birth weights and thus physical and mental problems in the child, including cerebral palsy. There is also a 50% increase risk of breast cancer for women who have had induced abortions. This will increase to 200% if she is a young lady and it is her first pregnancy. It will rise to 270% if there is a family history in cancer.

In our fight for abortions it’s love that enables us to “lay down over lives for our children”. In abortions, it is just the opposite “ my child you must lay down your life so that I can live as I want to.” Unborn children should not be discriminated against and targeted for death just because they are growing and developing inside their mother’s womb. They should not be targeted for death after birth since they are continuing to grow and develop. T

he deception of the development is inconsequential, and should not be held against the unborn and used as an excuse to kill them. There are nine reasons to me why the abortion situation should be illegal all over the world. Abortion is a choice between allowing an unborn baby or child to live or to kill it. Why would anyone want to have an abortion in the first place?

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